I have been on a hiatus called life. The summer was very busy with up to seven kids in the house on a given day...softball two or three days a week for my oldest daughter...trips to and from Portland to pick up my husband's children and drop them off...camping in Montana...oh, I couldn't begin to list all the excitement!
The kids are back to school now, and that means days are much quieter. I spend my days volunteering at the middle school (I am doing this for the first time and jumped right in as a Volunteer Coordinator!), cleaning the house, and chasing my beautiful five-month-old baby girl who sits and crawls and rolls! *sigh*
I am alive and well. The family is also alive and well, although we ended the summer with the first fractured bone and stitches caused in an accident--not bad considering I have four kids from 5 mo. to 12 years old! (My youngest son, seven years old, fell off the jungle gym at a city park and landed nose first into a metal beam--fracturing his nose and requiring a few stitches for a small laceration across the bridge of the nose.)
Here's a pic of the baby. Enjoy! And thanks for checking up on me...I hope to be more acclimated to this new lifestyle and more active here again soon.
God bless!

(this picture taken just moments before brother, in orange, broke his nose....)
Glad to hear from you. Your baby is beautiful and so glad to hhear his accident wasn't worse!
Life is crazy, isn't it?!! :)
She is so beautiful. Glad to hear you got through the summer even though there was a little accident. Like you said still good for someone who has 4 kids in the age range of 5 mo to 12 years. Thank God he is okay so no harm done. Hope this was a one and only.
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