I did well maintaining my weight loss until I got pregnant late last summer. Since then, I've put on every single pound I'd lost, plus a few more. I am down 15 pounds since giving birth from my heaviest pregnancy weight (and this is exciting because I've had at least two pregnancies where I never did do that...for MONTHS!). But I have at least 70 pounds to lose. I need to start eating the way I used to, workout more like I used to, and feel great all over again.
Will it make a difference??? Here is my after picture (at 155) taken in November 2006....

This was just about two months ago...at 9 months pregnant with my hubby. Note the nice double chin...proof that I can look far better than I do now!
So, on Monday, hubby and I are making a new start. We are changing the way we eat, making regular daily exercise a part of our lives, and heading for a lighter existence. The way I look at it...we have nothing and everything to lose!
Pray for us as we start this together. I know that I can do this and be successful, but I also know how many people start and quit or give up before they make their goal, or go back to the old bad habits after they've reached their goal. I don't want either one of us to do that.
I will definitely be praying for you!
I know exactly how you feel. After I had my last baby 2 years ago, it has been hard losing all the weight. I was too big before I even got pregnant. In the last 8 months or so I have been doing well and have lost a little over 30pounds. I took a long break off during Christmas and through Easter. :)
I jumped back on the band wagon a few weeks ago and am happy to say that after 2+ years I am 2 pounds away from pre pragnancy weight.
I still want to lose at least 30 more pounds. It's seems like a long and grueling process. It's one day at a time.
I am here if you need extra encouragment or a friend to talk to. Like I said-I'm going through it too.
My prayers are with you. Email me anytime at kcnace@kc.rr.com!
I know you will be successful. I really need to join you. After 7 kids there are still a few pounds I could loose. Good luck and I will pray for you and your hubby.
PS You are a beautiful girl in both pictures.
Praying for you today as you and your hubby start this journey!
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