Thursday, April 24, 2008

Favorite Things: Kitchen Edition

Faithful Chick started a meme on our favorite things a couple of weeks back. Unfortunately, I've had my hands pretty full the last couple of weeks--waiting for a baby to arrive, and then caring for it and trying to rest up. I missed the first one (pout).

But, today's edition, I'm gonna make!

(Please keep in mind that I'm taking care of a 10-day old infant, three older children, and running...okay, who am I kidding? trying to run...the household now that my hubby has gone back to work. So, although many of you have taken pics especially for this meme...I'm going to use a file photo...thanks for your grace!)

So, here it is...the FAVORITE thing in my kitchen.....

Let me introduce my hubby, Mr. G. He cooks, he cleans, and he is by far the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. He cooked almost all our meals during my pregnancy and over the past two weeks. (He's pretty cute to look at, and he is a great cook, too!)

I am slowly moving back into my position as cook and bottle cleaner, but I couldn't have survived the last eight months or so without him. Basically, we'd have gone broke eating drive through or starved otherwise!


Anonymous said...

Yes- a man can be great help in the kitchen. ESPECIALLY when there is a new baby in the house!

Congratulations and thanks for playing along.

faithful chick

Susannah said...

Congratulations!!! Your new little one is so precious... and your "kitchen help" is a true blessing. Hooray for DAD!

So we're both in WA? Nice to know we're in the same time zone. :~D It's fun to keep track, because bloggers are on every corner of the planet.

Carol said...

Awwww. That is so sweet! I love it!