What a busy week we've had! Baby arrived after midnight on Saturday, April 12. We escaped from the hospital mid-afternoon on Sunday, the 13th to pick up all the other kids (thank you to Heather for taking the boys overnight Saturday and to Charlene for taking Ms. B, and to Brenda and Greg for taking all three overnight Friday night!). Our first and only visit at the house so far was from our next door neighbors who had their baby girl on Sunday!
Monday was a slow day for us. We made no plans except to get the older three kids to school and back, and a run to the grocery store for Daddy.
On Tuesday, we made our first trip to the pediatrician. Dr. K checked Ms. EM out and gave his professional opinion: Everything looks good. No shots or blood tests today. Baby's weight is back up to 7lb., 11 oz. after dropping to 7lb., 8oz. before leaving the hospital.
Mommy struggled with breastfeeding--baby EM doesn't want to latch correctly and the milk is slow to come in. Much to our dismay, formula will have to be a staple at least temporarily while Mommy pumps to increase supply, letting the "owies" heal, and retraining little Ms. EM on her latch.
Ms. B came home from school "sick" on Wednesday, complaining of a sore throat. She had strep throat only a month ago, so we were quite concerned that she had gotten it again. We quarantined her to her bedroom except for meals until we got the throat culture back late Thursday morning. Once cleared, she got to spend some quality time with EM.
Thursday evening, Daddy got a bright idea. Baby loved his chocolate chip oatmeal cookies in utero, and since he had promised her juice and cookies if she would come out of her hiding spot after 41 weeks, Daddy decided to sneak baby her first taste of chocolate on the "outside". I am not proud of this, but it's cute anyway.
got chocolate?
On Friday, we got this crazy idea to head off to Portland to see our other brother and sister for the first time. Turns out baby doesn't mind a roadtrip, which is great because Mommy and Daddy both admit to enjoying roadtrips (although we fly free....???), and with siblings across the state (oh, and IKEA...gotta go to IKEA as many times as possible!), we'll likely be traveling tons.
While there, we went to OMSI for our first museum trip. We saw dinosaurs, a cool display with the human baby's development, the planetarium, and all kinds of other cool stuff. We also spent time with Uncle Chris and Faith which was really fun too!

Baby's first trip to a museum/Portland
That pretty much rounded out our week. Mommy is falling in love with baby, and so is Daddy. The sibs are working through jealousy and new schedules, and Mommy is falling even deeper in love with Daddy as she watches him with baby EM.
With big sis, Mz. S
Sorry we were gone so long...and I'm sure we'll be here less than normal for a while longer...but we wanted to drop in to brag, say hi, and share some pics!
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